Upcoming Events

Please join us for this special event:

Presentation – June 18, 2024, Tuesday, 6 pm. @ Watertown Public Library Community Room.

     The Dodge-Jefferson Counties Genealogical Society is delighted to host a free talk by Dr. Patrick Steele. Dr. Steele will be speaking on Wisconsin and the Civil War.

     The speaker has wide-ranging research interests including military history and the history of sports. He is the author of Home of the Braves: The Battle for Baseball in Milwaukee, which was honored with the Milwaukee County Historical Society’s Gambrinus Prize.

     Dr. Steele is a gifted storyteller who has inspired college students of history for decades.

     This event, held in Watertown Public Library’s Community Room On June 18, 2024, at 6 pm is free and open to the public.

     Feel free to share this event with family and friends.